I met Lynette and Dene for the first time in October last year and I knew straight away what a great match they were. Most couples I meet for the first time typically ask me numerous questions, which I am happy to answer while I’m showing them wedding books etc. Some couples ask very few questions, which can be awkward, because I don’t like dominating the proceedings. But Lynette and Dene were the complete opposite. They asked me a barrage of questions over a period of an hour and a half, it was great! They were taking their wedding seriously and making sure the day was going to be perfect. And what a day it ended up being.

from tradition they had the bridal party photos taken before the ceremony,
which always works well. So Lynette and Dene laid eyes on each other for the
first time while walking down a lavender lush footpath at
the homestead at Battle Hill. They
looked so happy with each other, it was great to witness such a special moment.

told me that they had not seen Lynette’s father with such a big smile before. I’m glad I captured it.